Gas Safety: Using safety valve gas tap, flame extinguishment in burner in possible situations the safety valve system allows the gas to enter and shut off within 30 seconds.
Electrical Safety: Electrical components and fixtures, protecting your users and your accident has been designed.
Water Safety: We have developed our patented water system to prevent water overflow, prevents the water from overflowing and, if necessary, the boiler water falls below the specified level.
Time Saving: Since the tea boiler is a programmable feature, the user does not come to open the tea in the morning, the tea boiler automatically opens the electricity to the gas and removes the water to the specified temperature.
Fuel Saving: Up to 50% fuel savings have been achieved by designing the heat sensor, insulation and waste gas used in our tea boilers to contribute to the warming of the water with efficient use. Space Saving: Up to 40% space savings have been achieved with our technology and qualified human power.
Program Setting: It has programmable feature on a weekly basis. In the context of this program; There are opening and closing, water temperature and level adjustment, gas and electricity control at the desired hours of the win.
Ergonomic Design: Effective work to make our tea boilers more suitable for people's use. We did AR-GE work. As a result of these studies on the tea boiler, space saving and ease of use. We have created. Our users benefit from these features of our tea boilers.
Easy to use: Thanks to the programming feature of our tea boilers, they save manpower because of their easy cleaning.
+90 332 350 75 94
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